Friday, October 12, 2007

Facebook Login: Your account has been disabled by an administrator. If you have any questions or concerns, you can visit our FAQ page here.

Yet another social networking problem. This time it is Facebook. The title link will take you to the Disabled page.

Why was my account disabled?
Your account was disabled because you violated Facebook’s Terms of Use, to which you agreed when you first registered for an account on the site. Accounts can either be disabled for repeat offenses or for one, particularly egregious violation.

Facebook does not allow users to register with fake names, to impersonate any person or entity, or to falsely state or otherwise misrepresent themselves or their affiliations.

We do not allow users to send unsolicited or harassing messages to people they don’t know, and we remove posts that advertise a product, service, website, or opportunity.

Our Code of Conduct outlines the types of content we do not allow on the site. This includes any obscene, pornographic, or sexually explicit photos, as well as any photos that depict graphic violence. We also remove content, photo or written, that threatens, intimidates, harasses, or brings unwanted attention or embarrassment to an individual or group of people.
Can I see the content that got me disabled?
Unfortunately, for technical and security reasons, Facebook cannot provide you with a description or copy of the removed content.
Does Facebook remove everything that gets reported?
Facebook reviews every report we receive to determine whether or not the content violates our Terms of Use. Any content that is considered obscene, violent, malicious or otherwise offensive will be removed. If you received a warning about an item that was taken down, then we have established that it violated these terms.
Still didn't find what you were looking for? Write us a message.

I wrote Facebook a message, I guess we will see what happens. I didn't expect to get a one by one rejection for this type of material. Minorities have a different life than the majority. I'm finding that out very quickly.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

please sir my personal Facebook id disabled please help me . its my life , my face is so import en of my life .