Tuesday, October 9, 2007


AJ if a Facebook friend. Straight, but VERY sexy. He is also telling his diaper story on Facebook and has agreed to me posting his story as it unfolds. He is kind of telling two stories at once, so I'm basically going to give the story line of how he began wearing diapers.

Here are a couple of his entries:

So my history

I was playing house with a neighbor girl, she was playing mommy and was playing the baby. I remember doing this before and it not being a big deal, except this time she asked me to actually get naked... I was too scared to actually do it right in the open. or at least the openness of my basement. So I had a big box and i climbed in and got naked, She could see in and made baby talk to me. This was just the start of my fetish....more later


So The next piece of my life i want to share is this

I was in 3rd grade spending time with a friend who was being babysat by a very attractive blond who was a freshmen at the high school near us. Joey (who was my friend at the time) had a younger brother who was 3 who still wore diapers. I don't remember who brought it up me or Joey, but we ended up trying to push her around, like we were all 'bad" and such. Kinda flirting, if you can say that a 3rd grader can flirt. Jessica the babysitter said that if we kept acting like babies she would diaper us like ones. This excited me, but not just the thought of her diapering me but playing it off that I didn't want to be diapered. So I of course egged her on making her more and more frustrated with us. Then for some reason she just started to ignore us so of course we lost interest and went outside and played. We walked back in and Jessica pushed joey in a closet and his sister held the door shut and knocked me on the ground. I got a surge of adrenaline as I was having her pull down my pants with the diaper in her hand. I begged "Please don't diaper me" "I am not a baby" I tried to push her hands and even cried as she even pulled down my underwear and was about to diaper me when Joey got free and jumped on her and accidentally pulled on her earing causing her to stop right then. I got my clothes back on and we went back outside and played. Except all I was thinking about for the rest of that afternoon was how exciting it was to almost be put back in a diaper.

please thoughts or comments

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