Thursday, November 8, 2007


This video is fun to watch and makes a point.

You have to watch out who you contact. Some very strange people have been sending me messages!

Saturday, October 20, 2007

Outside in Hawaii

Sometimes Boys Just Want To Have Fun

I'd rather enjoy something than be in pain and depression over it,

written by Anthony

I'm a 44 year old Gay White Male str8 acting. Non smoker. No drugs, not into Nelly Fems, Tattoos or Piercing and only social drinker.

I love the outdoors,traveling,cooking,landscaping and gardening,photography,cuddling,and long walks on the beach.

I'm a hopeless romanic and very domestic. I'm an Interior decorator as well. I have many other interests .

There is something magical about the ocean, I must have had a past life that involved the sea. I was probably a mermaid in my past life,LOL. Maybe that's why I gay this go around.LOL

I was a landscape/interior designer by trade. Had to change careers last year due to having a heat stoke and heat exhaustion.

I am just getting settled into my new place, with all the packing, unpacking, sorting and purging that comes with moving which I hate with a passion.

I have had to wear diapers, ever since I was in a car accident when I was 16. That was over 27 plus years ago, neediness to say wearing diapers was not a fun thing or sexual thing for me. For two years, my Junior and Senior years of Highschool I was paralyzed and in a wheel chair, I was in a full body cast and couldn’t take care of myself. My mom quit her job to take care of me, such as changing me, feeding me, bathing me and so on, I was quite embarrassed to say the least, but in time it became habit I guess, My mom and I are very close.

When I turned 18 I began to get feeling back in my legs and started therapy and did learn to walk again. My journey in life has never been easy, but I’m a fighter and survivor,and I have never gave up. This is just a tip of the iceberg in the story of my life. Maybe one day I will write a book of my life.

Until about three years ago, I still hated wearing diapers, a friend told me if I have to wear them, then learn to enjoy them.

Well After I learned there were people who had to wear for medical reasons and some who love to wear diapers for fun it changes my outlook ten fold.

I can say it has made a major change in my life. No pun intended.
I'm sure there are those of you who will read this and say your gross or sick, but you'll never understand what my life has been like.

I'd rather enjoy something than be in pain and depression over it, which was what my life was for a very long time.

I'm looking for friends who can understand and relate to this on some cosmic level. My dream is to find a LTR with a guy who can love me for who I am. Not what they want me to be, I will always be handicapped.

I was married for 9 years and had 3 beautiful children, but was never happy with a women, I knew I was GAY but wanted children and tried to live a str8 lifestyle to fulfill that dream. Nine years ago, we lost our son in an accident when he was only 18 months old, another reason my marriage failed, she never has gotten over that and hasn't tried to move on or forward. I have moved on and forward but there will always be a huge hole in my heart.

I'm lucky to have my own Guardian Angel who looks after me now.

Life is too short to be unhappy.

Hugs Anthony

Found written by Anthony

Dan Novak repeating something he heard "Don't judge a man until you have walked a mile in his shoes."

Friday, October 19, 2007

Facebook doesn't like a lot of people.

I and many others know how this feels. This was found at Click on the title link for more stories.

This is why you always wear a diaper if you're planning to get drunk

Starting the day out like this means you don't have to ask yourself:

Would you rather be in bed wearing this underwear...

Or in bed wearing this underwear?

There are worse things than making sure you have a nappy on. Which underwear would you rather be wearing?

Thursday, October 18, 2007

Facebook!, Need diaper groups on facebook

Facebook!, Need diaper groups on facebook is a forum thread by a guy with two Facebook accounts, one his true idenity and one about wearing diapers he uses an alias for what could be safety and social acceptance reasons. Here is part of his post:

Hey all facebook users... Does anyone know of some good abdl facebook groups secret or not? If you have a hidden/secret group on facebook would you mind inviting me? My DL name on facebook is Brandon L from the Orlando, FL network. I have a normal account on there too but I do not feel like writing that one here at this time.

If no one does know any good facebook groups, is there anyone who would be interested in joining a hidding group if I create it? Let me know if you are interested in this.

-Brandon L

By the way I have found some non-hidden groups on there that are not true ABDL groups but are similar topics. These are all global groups and they are titled:
I <3 To Wear Diapers
I like people who pee there pants
I pee my pants
I seriously need a diaper... like all the time
Pampers Appreciation Society
The Price is Right: Pamper's Edition
Wearing a diaper to the bar!

Also one more thing: I did create a secret/hidden group now. It is title ABDLs. You will not be able to search for it and it will not appear on the members' profiles because it is a hidden group. So you can only join it by invitation. There let me know if you want to be invited to join. Thanks.
-Brandon L

As the above post suggests I'm not alone. As I can suggest, I'm not perfect but I can learn. Why Facebook took the stand of no forgiveness and no attempt at understanding why there were problems with my account to the point of total banishment without giving me one attempt to explain or apologize can feel painful to someone new at trying to reach out like this.

I also received another form letter from MySpace asking me to try the same things sent in previous form letters. These letters are not separate and by themselves. They contain all the previous e-mails showing I'm getting the same series of form letters. I don't know what feels worse, total banishment for being so degenerate the forgiveness or a willingness to listen to someone explain their position one time or getting a series of form letters that don't let you know if you have been totally banished.

I feel the need to respond to the comment on my last post:

After reading your blog posting, we would like to suggest another point of view. Diapers only keep the bed dry and often prolong suffering. They do not serve to treat the underlying cause, the deep sleep disorder. We work with the Enuresis Treatment Center. For 32 years, the Enuresis Treatment Center has successfully treated thousands of people from around the world who thought there was no hope for ending bedwetting. Bedwetting, or enuresis, is actually caused by deep sleep, not to be mistaken for healthy sleep. This deep sleep causes a disconnect between the brain and bladder, and the bedwetting occurs as a result. The Enuresis Treatment Center has put together an informative guide to understanding and treating bedwetting. This free bedwetting guide is available to download

Maybe latter when I have more time I can discuss this response in a more detailed way. However, I will say a few quick things. I know this looks like spam, and for the most part I assume it is. But, an honest response can include helping the person make a living if the response is honest. We all can't do everything we do for free. So with that in mind, I'm giving them yet another link. I will say this, I've looked over most of their site.

I never came across a statement telling potential customers to talk with their doctor first. There are life threating heart arrhythmias that cause continued bed wetting. How responsible would these people be if someone went to them instead of a medical doctor first just to die of a heart condition?

They also come across to me as a type of organization I'm always suspect of, that is one that says don't listen to what others say, we have the magic answer no one else can see.

And, they claim a success rate of 97%. When the success rate of no intervention at all is 97% to 98.5% I'm not impressed with their own stated numbers. What are they offering that doing nothing offers? Just food for thought.

Sunday, October 14, 2007

Diaper Search on Facebook

Clicking on this picture will take you to the orginal site located
5% to 10% of bedwetting children will not outgrow the problem,Individuals who are still enuretic at age 18 are likely to deal with bedwetting throughout their lives. Adult rates of bedwetting show little change due to spontaneous cure.

Although bed-wetting is fairly common in children, who usually grow out of it, it's much less common in adults. That said, doctors from the Mayo Clinic estimated in a paper published nine years ago that as many as 1.5 to 3 percentof the adult population had ''persistent nocturnal enuresis," or chronic nighttime bed-wetting.

The above articals would lead one to believe of 30,000 UNC students alone, about 900 wet the bed! Out of 900 I would think using such a well know social network as Facebook would sound reasonable.

Here is part of a diaper lover party invite on Facebook:

Facebook | adult diaper lover party

adult diaper lover party

one night only

Event InfoName:
adult diaper lover party
one night only
Party - Slumber Party
Time and PlaceStart Time:
Saturday, October 6, 2007 at 1:00pm
End Time:
Sunday, October 7, 2007 at 4:00pm

View Map
Contact InfoEmail:
this is a party for all diaper lovers to come have fun in diapers with others alike this will be held saturday october 6 from 1:00 pm - whenever all is welcome and it will be bring your own diapers---- byod----
Posted Items
Confirmed Guests
This event has x confirmed guests .
See All

Facebook © 2007

Here is part of the e-mail:

Hi Dan,

After reviewing your situation, we have determined you violated
our Terms of Use. Please note, nudity, drug use, or other
obscene content is not allowed on the website. Additionally,
we do not allow users to send threatening, obscene, and
harassing messages. Unsolicited messages will also not be
tolerated. We will not be able to reactivate your account for any
reason. This decision is final.

Thanks for understanding,

Customer Support Representative

The reply from Facebook didn't say what I had done, but they didn't like it enough that is was an unforgivable sin. If there was nudity, it was in a friends profile picture. Should of been their account with the problem not mine. I never promoted drug use in anyway nor did I have obscene content other than pictures of friends in nappies, which are all over Facebook with names that are clearly not their real names. I've never sent a threatening, obscene, or harassing message to anyone.

The only unsolicited messages were predetermined through the applications I was asked to join by friends. I never joined an application without an invitation. What is a social network for? I believe they don't like diaper lovers to socialize on their network. They could of made that clear. As of today, if you search for diaper on Facebook for all networks the results are 162 names, 18 profiles, 483 groups, and 74 events. Many of the names are "diaper boy", many of the groups are "for adults who love to wear diapers", and many of the events are "diaper lovers party". It seems a bit unfair to be singled out like this.

I sent Facebook a retun e-mail explaing: "After reviewing your e-mail I believe the information used about Facebook is fair use to help combat the slander you have put on my name."

Characteristics and Correlates of College Students' Spontaneous and Anonymous Sexual Experiences

Media Credit: Chris Donato

Just sleep on it: Hooking up can mean anything from just kissing to having sex in college gossip.

I went to see one of the so many responses I received on Craigslist. As the below video shows, it doesn't pay to always jump to conclusions. I'll keep our conversation and any activity between the two of us. He was a fellow student so I did feel safe. He was a very attractive young guy. I asked him why he just didn't find guys on campus he told me his friends didn't know. He had a few questions about my choice of underwear and wanted to see for himself. I told him much more than I've yet to talk about on this blog. No harm done. However small group meetings might be better, but that could turn into an out of control situation quickly I'm sure.

Videos - Alien Sex - The best bloopers are here

One has to walk a fine line here. Check out the title link.

Saturday, October 13, 2007

Plastic Pants

Some guys like plastic pants for the feel, the look, and for added protection if they wet the bed. A diaper doesn't always keep your bed dry without plastic pants.

I found this video site for Diaper Lovers, youtube videos for diaper. However, one can search for other keywords.

Diapers may prolong or actually be a cause of both nighttime wetting and daytime wetting.

This article with latest update in 2003 suggests not using diapers for bedwetting because the child might wet the bed longer, or develop an enjoyment of diaper wearing that can last into adulthood. I have a couple of comments on this. If wearing a diaper for another year means not changing and washing the sheets and child every few nights, then I'll gladly take the trade off. Second, people like and enjoy many types of underwear as they come and go in style.

If a diaper can make you feel good would it be better to trade that in for a six-pack a night to be "a man?" Some societies don't allow for men to wear short pants in public because that activity only belongs to children. Many societies don't allow men to wear skirts because only women should wear skirts. It is kind of like saying don't give a child a candy bar because he might eat candy bars the rest of his life. What would be worse, the added candy bars through the years or wearing a diaper for underwear? Some men prefer briefs, some boxers, some no underwear at all.

We might all have different reasons for our underwear choice being a diaper, but so many things are so much more important to worry about.

I received what looks half way between a form letter and a personal response from MySpace stating they never undeleted accounts. Without telling me what I did wrong, they told me if I would read the terms of service and agree to abide by them, I could start my account new with them. However, my attempts are still being blocked. I've sent them more e-mail explaining my continuing problem. No word from Facebook yet.

Friday, October 12, 2007

Facebook Login: Your account has been disabled by an administrator. If you have any questions or concerns, you can visit our FAQ page here.

Yet another social networking problem. This time it is Facebook. The title link will take you to the Disabled page.

Why was my account disabled?
Your account was disabled because you violated Facebook’s Terms of Use, to which you agreed when you first registered for an account on the site. Accounts can either be disabled for repeat offenses or for one, particularly egregious violation.

Facebook does not allow users to register with fake names, to impersonate any person or entity, or to falsely state or otherwise misrepresent themselves or their affiliations.

We do not allow users to send unsolicited or harassing messages to people they don’t know, and we remove posts that advertise a product, service, website, or opportunity.

Our Code of Conduct outlines the types of content we do not allow on the site. This includes any obscene, pornographic, or sexually explicit photos, as well as any photos that depict graphic violence. We also remove content, photo or written, that threatens, intimidates, harasses, or brings unwanted attention or embarrassment to an individual or group of people.
Can I see the content that got me disabled?
Unfortunately, for technical and security reasons, Facebook cannot provide you with a description or copy of the removed content.
Does Facebook remove everything that gets reported?
Facebook reviews every report we receive to determine whether or not the content violates our Terms of Use. Any content that is considered obscene, violent, malicious or otherwise offensive will be removed. If you received a warning about an item that was taken down, then we have established that it violated these terms.
Still didn't find what you were looking for? Write us a message.

I wrote Facebook a message, I guess we will see what happens. I didn't expect to get a one by one rejection for this type of material. Minorities have a different life than the majority. I'm finding that out very quickly.


Just wanted to see if this works. If you click on the link in the above title or open the little blue box, you will go to the slide show. I don't know if you have to be logged on to Facebook or not to see the slideshow.

More Craigslist communication. I think Craigslist being the most useful social network is the biggest kept secret. I don't know how this is not general knowledge.

Kev In A Nappy

Kevin is just another guy wearing a nappy.

Quick updates.

A few more e-mails from Craigslist.

Another form letter from MySpace with words to make you believe they are moving towards some kind of progress. I can't help but wonder at what point does a human actually read an e-mail sent to MySpace.

Thursday, October 11, 2007

A J brings us history installment number three.

Today, on Facebook, I asked my only straight friend AJ if I could state we were married. He has changed my wet diaper but has not agreed to marriage yet. However, he did provide installment number three on how he became interested in wearing diapers:

"After the incident with my friends babysitter, not much had happened (Diaper related) I had dreams on occasion about being diapered or babied by girls at school or other attractive girls I had met or seen. The fantasy always included them forcing my clothes off or me ending up naked by mistake or accident then, they would either think I really was a baby, and they would treat me like one. Or They would force me to be a baby because they wanted to. It wasn't until sixth grade that I would masturbate to the mommies in different magazines. Fantasizing about being there baby. Soon i started taking the largest baby diapers from random places, wetting then masturbating till I would cum multiple times. Sometimes with porn other times with just attractive mommy types in other magazines. I would really fantasize about the babysitter and the "Mommy" I almost had playing house.

More to come, comments welcome"

I hope his story doesn't get better than the one I'm trying to tell! AJ- say yes to the marriage!

Tim walking into lecture wearing only a diaper.

Things have picked up just a little. Had an hour long phone call from some one responding to a Craigslist ad wanting to be my mommy. We discussed many different role playing parts and why we would choose what we did. I don't know that I'll meet this person, but it is possible. Role playing with mommy would make wearing a diaper more natural. I think that is the reason for role playing.

I received a form letter from MySpace. I returned a response asking for a human to please read my request for any forgiveness I would need and to help me work toward getting my account undeleted, or at least let me start over with my name and address.

Received an e-mail this morning from a guy on Facebook. He doesn't look the diaper lover type at all. I think he needs to talk. He requested a series of e-mails or phone to phone contact. I will e-mail him many of my thoughts today.

There is another guy on Facebook refusing to accept my friend request, but messages me with interesting thought out questions. He doesn't look like a diaper lover either. Very handsome with a girlfriend at his side. I have not figured out if his interest is out of curiosity of an activity he doesn't understand, a fetish for reasons he has given no clue as to why, or out of a physical need and doesn't have any one else to talk with. As with any one, there is always the outside chance the person knows my true identity and wants to know why I wear diapers and have put myself into the Diaper Lovers group instead of not being able to look any one into their eyes because I don't know if they know and if they did I would be a lesser person.

I guess I'm getting just a bit closer to discussing why I'm a Diaper Lover and why if you feel like you are between a rock and a hard place maybe the best thing to do is just walk between them and don't worry about either one.

Wednesday, October 10, 2007


"and the .001% happens when MySpace is willing to admit they deleted you in error. Guess how often that happens."

I posted in the MySpace FORUMS asking about how to get an account reinstated. I was basically told if MySpace made the mistake I stood a chance, but if I made the mistake they did not forgive the account holder. I'm sure they are big enough to offer such horrible customer service, but all fads come and go. I'm sure the day will come they will see this attitude as a bit short sited.

Invalid Friend ID. This user has either cancelled their membership, or their account has been deleted.

You Must Be Logged-In to do That!

It didn't take long for the social networking problems to start. This is the message I get when I try to long onto myspace. I've e-mailed them twice asking how could I correct any problem and I've yet to receive a reply. It would be nice if there FAQ addressed the issue of possibly having an account reinstated.

Maybe I'll get a reply at sometime. I'm not holding my breath.

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Nappy Underwear

Several posts in one day. So much information is getting away from me and my goal is to document this path I find myself on. Setting my reasons for wearing diapers aside for right now, I did find out one quick way of finding people with similar interests off the beaten path is on Craigslist. I placed an ad and received around 100 responses within the first 24 hours. Craigslist is by far the most productive social network I've found.

Although I don't use my real name or e-mail address, I will give that information out under limited circumstances. I tried responding to each response received in a polite manner. This has caused people I will never meet to contact me daily asking me to change my mind. Fortunately they send such requests to an e-mail address that does not identify me. However, my true location is slowly becoming know. It won't be long I'll go to each social network site and change my address to the town and state I actually live in.

One of the responses, after a bit of back and forth with our fabricated personas, we did find out we go to the same university. We agreed to meet after talking on the telephone and a couple of e-mail exchanges with our normally used e-mail accounts we don't post to these social networks. At the last minute he had to cancel our meeting, but we would get together soon. I have tried contacting him through Facebook and his e-mail without any response from him. I think calling him on the phone is going too far by forcing the issue into what he might see as a non-safe situation. So as of now, I'll let it go. He is a diaper lover for his own personal reasons.

I'm a diaper lover for my own personal reasons as well. Most diaper lovers I'm getting to know are such for one of two reasons. One, because of past life circumstances, each with a different story, it has become a fetish. And two, because of physical reasons of needing to wear a diaper, they try to find a way to enjoy it rather than become a social recluse and feel less of themselves. I'll explain which category I fall into in a later post. However, which of the two I do fall under is a question usually asked early on in any social network.

Most people don't judge, but they do like to know some of the motivation behind your social networking activities because it helps guide conversations and expectations of meeting someone. I was contacted by a fellow student tonight through craigslist. He told me I was hot looking but he couldn't take the pampers, he wanted a man. I told him the underwear could always come off, not to let that bother him.

What bothered me was he had no concern as to why I wore them and would that be an understandable reason to him. We e-mailed back and forth several times until he quit responding. I felt like he could of been more respectful of a difference he didn't understand and didn't bother to try to understand when my difference was not hurting him in anyway. A good departure would of been for him to say now was not the time for him to try and deal with this issue so thanks, but no thanks. That I could of respected. His judgmental attitude of how I was less than him was difficult to respect.

I'm meeting many kinds and will discuss them as I have the time.


AJ if a Facebook friend. Straight, but VERY sexy. He is also telling his diaper story on Facebook and has agreed to me posting his story as it unfolds. He is kind of telling two stories at once, so I'm basically going to give the story line of how he began wearing diapers.

Here are a couple of his entries:

So my history

I was playing house with a neighbor girl, she was playing mommy and was playing the baby. I remember doing this before and it not being a big deal, except this time she asked me to actually get naked... I was too scared to actually do it right in the open. or at least the openness of my basement. So I had a big box and i climbed in and got naked, She could see in and made baby talk to me. This was just the start of my fetish....more later


So The next piece of my life i want to share is this

I was in 3rd grade spending time with a friend who was being babysat by a very attractive blond who was a freshmen at the high school near us. Joey (who was my friend at the time) had a younger brother who was 3 who still wore diapers. I don't remember who brought it up me or Joey, but we ended up trying to push her around, like we were all 'bad" and such. Kinda flirting, if you can say that a 3rd grader can flirt. Jessica the babysitter said that if we kept acting like babies she would diaper us like ones. This excited me, but not just the thought of her diapering me but playing it off that I didn't want to be diapered. So I of course egged her on making her more and more frustrated with us. Then for some reason she just started to ignore us so of course we lost interest and went outside and played. We walked back in and Jessica pushed joey in a closet and his sister held the door shut and knocked me on the ground. I got a surge of adrenaline as I was having her pull down my pants with the diaper in her hand. I begged "Please don't diaper me" "I am not a baby" I tried to push her hands and even cried as she even pulled down my underwear and was about to diaper me when Joey got free and jumped on her and accidentally pulled on her earing causing her to stop right then. I got my clothes back on and we went back outside and played. Except all I was thinking about for the rest of that afternoon was how exciting it was to almost be put back in a diaper.

please thoughts or comments

Chating with Nappy Diaper

I feel like it is only being fair to repost. While chating on Diaper Space I was asked into a private chat with a very nice guy. We joined each other's social networks and that went well. So, maybe there is hope yet. I will still talk about the social networks I belong to and my own diaper story as time permits.

Nappy Diaper

I had to have my chest shaved for some tests. I don't like it. I've been doing a bit of social networking about wearing diapers. Lots of people out there for different reasons. I have a story that means a lot to me just like every one else I message with.

I'm trying a chat room just for diaper lovers but getting any one to speak or keep any kind of conversation going is like pulling teeth. It was a bit dissapointing, I was very interested in what ever any one wanted to talk about, but not one question about me from any one. I saw the group as a bit selfish. More on my story and how things are coming along on different social networking sites as I have time to write.

Sunday, October 7, 2007

Finding Friends on Facebook

Sometimes you feel like a girl.

Getting Started

I'm going to tell my story of wearing diapers. This will include many things relating to how I used to hate it, why I now love it, and how I find other diaper lovers where I live.